Monday, March 29, 2010

It's Been a Few

Well it's been a while since I posted anything. I'd like to think that it is beacuse I have just been to busy, but I'm sure it has more to do with procrastination. Simon has been keeping me pretty busy and I did work last Friday. Simon is becomming a lot more verbal, he is using repeative sounds like ma ma ma and da da da, of course we think he is saying thoes thing in reference to us but that may just be wishful thinking. He still is not actually crawling nut he has developed his own mode of transportation combinding rolling and pushing himself backwards around the floor, I keep thinking that he is going to take off any day now. Made a visit to the Dr. today cause he just wasen't acting like his normal happy self, another double ear infection so we are scheduled to see the ENT at the end of April :(. 
On the cooking front I have been trying to keep my promise to myself and last week I made cupcakes from scratch and coconut cury chicken.

The cupcakes were a hit and I have to say not as hard as I thought they would be.

This dish was really tasty but the spices it called for were a little difficult to find, but now that I have them all I will be making this again.

It appears the warmer weather may actually be here to stay and I am so glad, I tired of having all this sinus/cold/cough crap that always seems to come this time of year when the weather can't decide if it's winter or spring.

Also since I last posted I went on a scrapbooking day retreat and had a ton of fun. My friend Jennifer came with me for her first time scrapbooking. I think she got more done than I did and her first pages are defentially better than anything I started doinng! I did get quite a bit done on Simon's book. Here are a few of my favorite pages.

Well hopefully I will have a chance to post again this week.

Sweet Little Man...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Trying Something New

So I have been trying to do a little more cooking since I'm staying home now and I have made a goal for myself to try a new recipe every week. I'm a few days late posting but last thursday I made lasagna from scratch, yes I said from scratch even the sauce.

The ingredients are bought...

Sauce simmering.....

Mmmm it smells so good!

Assembly complete.

Looks good and weighs a ton. Love all that bubbly cheese!

Well over all it was delicious. Chuey and Kelsey came over for dinner and everyone liked it. So my first new recipe was a success. More to come in the future.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How Technology Changes Our Lives

It wasn't that many years ago that I was single, just moved in to my first apartment and only had a land line to make local calls. I didn't have a home compute and was doing everything I could to make ends meat. A year or so passes and I passed my state boards, finally I can afford to eat meat more that 2 times a week! Many other things followed including the purchace of my first cell phone. I was 21 years old and just getting my first cell phone, I was so excited, pretty lame huh.

That was about 7 years ago, now I can't leave the house without my life line. I think back at how we used to communicate you could call a friend and if they were not home you'd leave a message and they would get back with you when they got home. We also had email on sloooow dial up connections, which made phone calls the easiest way to communicate. Now in our society of instant gratification cell phones, text messages, high speed internet, instant messaging, twitter, facebook, ect. are all different ways that we communicate with each other.

This whole little rant came about as I was laying in bed last night trying to go to sleep but so excited that I had just gotten my new phone. I finally got an iphone! The technology amazes me, I now have everything I could want at my finger tips and Simon has a new toy (our old phones). It is pretty bad that my 7 month old thinks he needs a phone. I hope this is not a sign of things to come.....

Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring is on the way

Wow! I can't believe how great the weather has been the last few days. It was so nice to be able to get out of the house with the little man. Two days in a row at the park followed by a nice long lazy weekend. I just have to say I LOVE lazy weekends hanging out with my boys and just taking it easy.

I was thinking this weekend about the weather and how much I have always loved the winter, the snow, the cold weather, wearing big sweaters, and cuddeling under the covers. This winter has been a little different, with the little man, I don't get out as much when it's cold and snowy cause I don't want him getting sick. I think that is why I am looking forward to the warmer weather and being able to be outdoors with my little man.
I think Simon likes being outdoors too.
Simon in the gravel at the park, sooo cute!

Mommy and her boy

Spring must be on the way. I noticed on Thursday that some of my flowers are blooming. It is amazing to me that year after year bulbs come back.

Time to break out the flip flops and sun dresses warm weather is here to stay, I hope.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

What a Beautiful Day!

Today has been a great day! The little man went to mother's day out this morning, which means a little "mommy time". I must say I do enjoy my "mommy time" every now and then, and today was no exception: first a wonderful pedi and then shopping! What could be better? Taking my sweet little man to the park for his first time swinging! we had so much fun!

How sweet is that face. He had so much fun. I can't wait to spend more time at the park as the weather continues to get warmer.

I really do love my life as a mommy and a wife!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Little About Our Little Family

Our family consists of me, my husband Saul, and our sweet little boy Simon. Saul and I met in June of 2004, we married in December 2006. After about 2 years of trying we finally had Simon on July 21, 2009. I am an RN and work PRN at a local surgical center, but my full time job is taking care of my beautiful baby boy. Simon is the light of my life, I can't imagine our life without him in it. Life has changed alot since we had Simon; no more late nights out, haven't seen a movie in the theater since he was born, and everything I do takes a little bit longer. It is amazing to watch him grow and change every day. Our life together keeps getting better and better, I can't wait to see what is to come.
Our sweet little family.

Getting Started

So I have quite a few friends who do this and I love reading their blogs so I decided I would give it a try. I'm not really sure that all that many people will be that intrested in reading about my life but I think this may give me an outlet, and help me journal a little bit about daily life. Well here is to something new and exciting let's see how it goes.