Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer: Busy time of year

 I have always loved the fall and winter for obvious reasons; college football, snow, skiing, ect. But for the second year in a row I have looked foreward to summertime. Last year my son was due in July, our first and I just couldn't wait to meet the little man. Being big and pregnant in the middle of summer was not very fun but the end result was wonderful and well worth it. This year I was even more excited about summer so the little man and I could spend some time in the great outdoors, ie; the pool at the town club (that's about as "outdoors" as this girl gets)! The other thing I am really excited about is planning and excuting his first birthday party. Yes I know this party is really all for me since he won't remember anything that is not captured on film, but its exciting for this momma all the same.

I have been planning things for a while and finally began excuting things on my list in the last month or so. Yesterday I finished making the invitations, only took me about 8 hours total to get them done. Most of the party goods have been purchaced, or at least found and ordered. Still need to finish some of the decor and finalize the menu, but with a llittle over a month  to go I think I am doing pretty good.

The last four weeks  has made me realize how much I cherish the time that Simon spends at mothers day out! Our program takes a break for 4 weeks after school gets out and another break the last 3 weeks before school starts again, so it has been Simon and mommy every day. I love my son I really do but "mommy time" is esential to sanity! Tuesday Summer Fun Days start and I cannot wait, I really think Simon misses his playtime with the other kids too. Our one saving grace has been afternoons at the pool. Simon LOVES the water! He is way to brave for my comfort zone, but I guess being a "water dog" runs in the family.

Guess I will wrap up for now, finish my wine, and hit the sack for some much needed rest.

My sweet sweet boy!