Friday, January 14, 2011

New Year, New Start

OK time to stop stalling. I know that at the start of a new year everyone makes resolutions. I along with everyone else make them and can't seem to even remember what mine was come March and April. So this year I decided to take it in small steps and try daily goals. I started with goals toward getting my home cleaned up after all the holiday madness and getting things organized to give our family a fresh start for this year. This included purging clothes, toys, books, really anything that has not been used in 6 months or more. Also Saul and I both know we need to do something to better our physical selves so we have embarked on better eating habits. I don't want to say that I started a diet because diets have never worked for me in the past, so I am just trying my best to make better choices for my self and our family. Saul and I are also trying to get back on board with our spiritual life as well and are attending a new church together as a family. So far so good. I am attempting to take this day by day instead of trying to start it all at once and get overwhelmed. A few things personally that I am doing to better myself include taking a photography workshop so that I can better use my camera and take pictures that I enjoy. I also plan on starting back to the gym on a regular basis. A friend of mine got a membership to the gym I go to and we have kids the same age so hopefully we can get in a regular routine of going together to get ourselves healthier for our families. Well daily duties of dishes and laundry are calling so I must close, but here is to a new year with new possibilities.

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